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ICYMI: New England Outlets Highlight Senator Hassan’s Hearing on the Boston Marathon Bombing Following the 10th Anniversary of the Attack

WASHINGTON – In case you missed it, Senator Maggie Hassan, Chair of the Emerging Threats and Spending Oversight Subcommittee, led a hearing last week focused on the Boston Marathon bombing and its impacts on emergency preparedness and homeland security. The hearing was covered by press outlets across New England, including the Associated Press, Boston Globe, WMUR, NBC Boston, WBZ, and others.

Read some of the coverage highlights below:

Associated Press: Senate talks terror prevention since Boston Marathon bombing

By Michael Casey

The chair of the U.S. Senate subcommittee on emerging national security threats said at a hearing Wednesday that much has been learned about enhancing emergency response and counterterrorism efforts in the decade since the Boston Marathon bombing, but more can still be done.

Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire used her opening remarks at the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Spending Oversight Hearing in Washington to reflect on changes since two pressure-cooker bombs went off near the finish line of the race on April 15, 2013.

"I am proud of the rapid response to the horror of the attack on that day, and last week, on the 10th anniversary of the bombing, I was proud to watch joyful crowds urging on determined race participants," she said. "However, there is still much work to do to strengthen our ability to prevent and respond to emerging threats."

Former Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis testified that among the biggest changes since the bombing have been the advances in technology, including social media and artificial intelligence.

[…] Richard Serino, a former Deputy Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and former chief of Boston Emergency Medical Services, told lawmakers that local emergency managers and public health workers are dealing with so many challenges at once.

[…] Kerry Sleeper, a former deputy assistant director at the FBI, called for a national strategy that involves all enforcement agencies to deal with the evolving threats that range from hate crimes to mass shootings to domestic and international terrorism.

Boston Globe: A ‘profound impact’: Senate assesses lessons learned from Boston Marathon bombings

By Jorja Siemons

A Senate hearing on Wednesday reflected on the legacy of the Boston Marathon bombings in terms of preparing for emergencies, with law enforcement veterans of that day citing lessons learned and remaining challenges to address.

“[The bombing] was a stark reminder of the ongoing threat of terrorism and the importance of being prepared to respond to emergencies of all kinds,” said Senator Maggie Hassan, the New Hampshire Democrat who chaired the hearing. “There is still much work to do to strengthen our ability to prevent and respond to emerging threats.”

Hassan, along with Utah Republican Senator Mitt Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, held the hearing in observance of the bombings’ 10th anniversary. The lawmakers questioned top law enforcement officials who were involved in the subsequent investigation after pressure-cooker bombs near the finish line killed three spectators and wounded more than 200 others.

The experts acknowledged the long-term toll the bombings took not only on national security, but also on individual livelihoods.

[…] Hassan asked Kerry Sleeper, former deputy assistant director at the FBI, how the bombings affected information sharing between federal, state and local agencies. In the immediate aftermath of the bombings, Hassan noted, critics said the Boston Police Department might have been been better positioned to prevent the attack if the Federal Bureau of Investigation had shared information it had that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who orchestrated the attack with his brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, might have extremist beliefs and ties.

WMUR: US Senate committee discusses lessons learned 10 years after Boston Marathon bombing

By Arielle Mitropoulos

Ten years after the Boston Marathon bombings, a U.S. Senate subcommittee is digging into the advancements in safety and technology that have been made since.

U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-New Hampshire, led the hearing Wednesday alongside U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah.

"We must never forget the lives that were lost," Hassan said. "Krystle Campbell, Lu Lingzi, Martin Richard, Officer Sean Collier and Sgt. Dennis Simmonds."

The hearing focused on how ready authorities are for another terrorist attack. Former Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis explained that technology was one of the major tools that helped lead investigators to the bombers, but he said he's concerned that some cities aren't taking full advantage of new technology that could ultimately save lives.

[…] Hassan kicked off the hearing by reflecting on the significance of the anniversary and the importance of learning from the events of that day.

"We learned that critical emergency response tools like tourniquets and priority cellular service for first responders are necessary to save lives," Hassan said. "As a New Englander, I am proud of the rapid response to the horror of the attack on that day."

The committee also talked about making sure other mass gatherings events, such as worship services, are safe.

NBC Boston: Senate Hears Lessons From Boston Marathon Bombings, 10 Years Later

By Asher Klein and John Moroney

Ten years after the deadly Boston Marathon bombings, a U.S. Senate subcommittee held a hearing to discuss what the law enforcement community has learned.

[…] Hassan said it's important to look back on what happened to learn how to prevent similar mass attacks in the future and adapt to changing threats, including the way artificial intelligence and social media play a role.

"What we heard today is that we need additional resources not only for hardening the soft targets, really everything from putting in locks to camera systems. But we also really heard about the importance of investing in training and preparation and building relationships at all different levels of law enforcement and community leadership," Hassan told NBC.

WBZ: Boston Marathon bombings and lessons learned in last 10 years focus of Senate hearing

More than 10 years after the Boston Marathon bombings, there have been big advancements in security and technology.

Those were the topics of a Senate Homeland Security subcommittee hearing Wednesday in Washington.

New Hampshire Senator Maggie Hassan is the chair of the Emerging Threats and Spending Oversight Subcommittee. She and Utah Senator Mitt Romney led the hearing which focused on how ready authorities are for another terrorist attack.

[…] Hassan spoke to WBZ-TV ahead of the hearing.

"It was very important to me that we take a moment to honor the victims, recognize the tragedy of that day and then make sure we are as prepared as we can be to prevent another attack like the Boston bombing from ever happening again," Hassan said.
