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Senator Hassan Speaks with Granite Staters About Impact of Child Tax Credit on Children & Families

WASHINGTON – In case you missed it, U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan held a virtual roundtable yesterday to discuss how the child tax credit, which families will begin to receive on Thursday, July 15, will help children and families in New Hampshire. The American Rescue Plan, which Senator Hassan helped pass into law, increases the child tax credit to $3,000 (or $3,600 for children under the age of six). Earlier this year, Senator Hassan joined Senator Shaheen in announcing $19 million in child care funding for New Hampshire through the December COVID-19 relief package that they helped negotiate and pass into law.


See below for coverage highlights:


WMUR: Payments from expanded child tax credit to start arriving soon

By Mike Cherry


In a few days, some Granite State families will see an extra bump in their bank accounts, from the federal government's $1.9 trillion relief plan.


[…] "This expansion recognizes the incredibly high cost of raising children, as well as prioritizing children's health and well-being," said U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-New Hampshire.


Payments of up to $300 per child will be directly deposited into the bank accounts of families who filed a tax return in 2020, starting July 15. Those who did not file a return will need to fill out an online form with the IRS.


[…] During a virtual meeting with New Hampshire families, Hassan said she is working on making the increased tax credit permanent.


Union Leader: Families looking forward to expanded child tax credit

By Kevin Landrigan


Mary Osborne said the expanded and advanced child care tax credit will free up enough money for her son to start playing a musical instrument.


“Please look at this as an investment in our children, in our families and in our state as a whole,” Osborne said.

And Nancy Glynn of Sutton said it means her son can go to camp this summer.

“This, at the end of the day, helps create a harmonious household,” Glynn said.


[…] U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., heard these and other stories, during a virtual discussion about changes to the federal child care tax credit that kicks in Thursday.


“This is still a real tenuous time for a lot of people, especially for many women who haven’t been able to return to the workforce,” Hassan said Monday.


[…] Dr. Keith Loud, physician-in-chief at the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth, said families who aren’t able to make ends meet face “toxic stress” that can make the health care challenges for their children even more serious.


“I can’t think of a more exciting development right now that’s going to make a difference than this expansion,” Loud said.


The COVID-19 relief bill passed last December contained $19 million in child care grants for New Hampshire programs.


Sen. Hassan has proposed legislation to make the child care tax credit changes permanent.


WCAX: Monthly child tax credit payments begin this week

By Adam Sullivan


Child tax credit payments begin this week for families across our region. The money was included in the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan.


[…] Loud is the Director of the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth. He says one out of three families they serve can’t meet their monthly bills. Lawmakers who helped pass the new tax credit, including New Hampshire’s Sen. Maggie Hassan, are working to make the changes permanent.


“And we will continue to push to do that and that would mean you wouldn’t need that year-to-year reauthorization. It would be a permanent change in the tax code. There are a number of proposals out there,” said Sen. Hassan, D-New Hampshire.


As for the current change, parents say every little bit helps.


“Groceries, gas, everything is on the rise so it just helps, it just helps so much more,” Flewelling-Caulfield said.


Foster’s Daily Democrat: Most parents to get $250 or $300 monthly payments per child. Here's how it works

By Megan Fernandes


Advocates and elected officials say the monthly child tax credit checks of $250 or $300 per child coming to most parents in New Hampshire, Maine and across the nation this month will greatly help financially strained and struggling families.


[…] "The expansion of this tax credit will make a meaningful difference in the lives of New Hampshire children,” said Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H. “It's an important way to lift up these kids and their families -- and we know that when families are thriving, it has a ripple effect throughout our economy. It's a win-win for everybody."


It was previously reported the payments are expected to lift 8,000 New Hampshire children and 10,000 Maine children out of poverty, as well as provide relief to the families of approximately 222,000 New Hampshire children (87%) and 229,000 Maine children (91%), according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Nationally, the CBPP projects the child tax credit provisions will lift 4.1 million children above the poverty line, lift 1.1 million children out of deep poverty and cut the remaining number of children in poverty by more than 40%.

