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ICYMI: Union Leader: Hassan, women at NH Veterans Home toast the new year with tea

TILTON — In case you missed it, Senator Maggie Hassan on Tuesday joined female veterans to toast in the New Year at its weekly tea at the New Hampshire Veterans Home.

The veterans discussed the challenges of pursuing careers in the military as women and the importance of talking and raising awareness about the experiences of women in the military. Senator Hassan applauded their service and talked about continued bipartisan work in Congress to address the range of issues facing Granite Staters.

Read more from Union Leader here or below:

Union Leader: Hassan, women at NH Veterans Home toast the new year with tea

By John Koziol

TILTON — Marty Gladu tries to visit the New Hampshire Veterans Home once a month, often honoring female residents who helped pave the way for her to have a 27-year career in the U.S. Air Force ensuring that ammunition didn’t explode.

On her visit Tuesday, the Lee resident was joined by U.S. Sen Maggie Hassan, and together they and 10 female veterans sipped tea and toasted the new year.

The veterans ranged in age from 63 to 96 and served in the Air Force as well as the Navy and Army during the Korean conflict, Vietnam War, Gulf War and in peacetime.

[…]Rita Landry told Hassan that she joined the Air Force because “one of my girlfriends came to me and said, ‘I’m going to join the Air Force’ and I said, “I’m coming with you.”

Hassan replied that from the numbers she’s seen, “lots and lots of women” are applying to the service academies. Many of those women, Hassan continued, are considering the military as a career “because of the example you all set.”

Gladu said it was vital to register the stories of service of women “without whom I would never had had my career.”

[…]The Granite State’s junior senator said that despite the “noise” in Washington D.C., the nation’s business was being done and there were compromises between Republicans and Democrats.

In a dig at former president Donald Trump, Hassan said “we’ll be OK” on bipartisan progress in addressing climate change; on inflation and health care, as long as the U.S. has people in office “who believe in democracy.”
