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ICYMI: WMUR: Maggie Hassan says Donald Trump’s ‘vermin’ rhetoric is a warning sign

MANCHESTER – In case you missed it, U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan joined WMUR to discuss the harmful language that former president Donald Trump is using in New Hampshire. Earlier this month during a speech in Claremont, Trump referred to his opponents as “vermin,” echoing language that has historically been used by fascists to dehumanize their opponents. Senator Hassan spoke out against these remarks and urged people in New Hampshire and across the country to take Trump’s latest language seriously.

Watch or read below:

WMUR: Maggie Hassan says Donald Trump’s ‘vermin’ rhetoric is a warning sign

Senator Hassan: “He was advocating for the use of violence against people who disagree with him who he was working to dehumanize by calling them vermin. And that’s why you see people who study history talking about the fact that he’s using language and technique that is reminiscent of fascists like Hitler and Mussolini. And as my parents taught me, people thought that that was just talk until it was almost too late; it wasn’t just talk, and we’ve seen in Donald Trump’s behavior on January 6th too, his willingness to encourage violence for his own political purposes – and that should concern every Granite Stater.
