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Senator Hassan Responds to President Trump’s State of the Union Address

Senator Hassan Speaks with Her Guest, Laconia Police Officer Eric Adams, Who Has Gained National Recognition for His Work as Laconia’s Prevention, Enforcement, and Treatment Coordinator


To watch Senator Hassan’s discussion with Laconia Police Officer Eric Adams click here.

WASHINGTON – Senator Maggie Hassan issued the following statement tonight in response to President Trump’s State of the Union address. The Senator brought as her guest Laconia Police Officer Eric Adams, who has gained national recognition for his work as Laconia’s Prevention, Enforcement, and Treatment Coordinator. In this role – the first of its kind in New England – Officer Adams has helped revolutionize the way that law enforcement across the country approach combating substance misuse.


“I appreciated that the President mentioned some areas of bipartisan common ground, including the need to lower prescription drug prices, and I hope that he will follow through on his commitment to support bipartisan Congressional efforts on this issue. I was disappointed that the President did not highlight the need to pass bipartisan legislation to end surprise medical bills, however, which I will keep fighting for in the year ahead. I was also concerned that the President misrepresented his Administration’s record of working to undermine Americans’ health care more broadly, and I will continue to do everything I can to push back against these harmful efforts.


“While it’s important that the President mentioned the opioid crisis in his address, I was disappointed that he didn’t focus more on the need to continue strengthening treatment, prevention, and recovery efforts. I brought as my guest to the speech Laconia Police Officer Eric Adams to highlight his innovative approach to law enforcement that focuses on helping individuals find the treatment and support that they need. We cannot let up in the fight against the opioid epidemic, and I will keep doing everything I can to support people like Officer Adams who are on the front lines of combating this crisis.


“In addition, as government’s first responsibility is to keep our country safe, secure, and free, I join the President in expressing the utmost gratitude for the U.S. service members who put their lives on the line every day. I also continue to call on the Administration to communicate to Congress and the American people about how it will promote regional stability in the Middle East and advance counterterrorism efforts.


“At the end of the day, it’s clear that Granite Staters and the American people want Congress and the Administration to work together to expand economic opportunity and ensure that all Americans have the chance to thrive. I wish that the President had focused more on unifying the country around the common goals that we all share during tonight’s address, but I will never let up in doing everything that I can to work across the aisle to support Granite Staters and all Americans.”

