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At Newport Health Center, Senator Hassan Highlights Harmful Impact Trumpcare Would Have on Patients in New Hampshire

Newport Health Center

Senator Hassan meets with staff at Newport Health Center at New London Hospital

NEWPORT – Today, Senator Maggie Hassan visited Newport Health Center at New London Hospital, where she toured the facility, met with staff members, and highlighted the harmful impact Trumpcare would have on patients in New Hampshire and across the entire country.

“Trumpcare would result in Granite Staters paying more for worse health coverage – all in order to give billions of dollars in tax breaks to corporate special interests, including Big Pharma,” Senator Hassan said. “As we continue this debate, I urge the staff at Newport Health Center – and health care facilities across the state – to continue speaking up about how patients would be negatively impacted under Trumpcare.”

Senator Hassan highlighted how Trumpcare would be a disaster for people in New Hampshire, regardless of whether they get insurance through an employer, buy it individually, or have Medicaid. The Senator also emphasized how Trumpcare ends Medicaid expansion and makes massive cuts to the Medicaid program, threatening efforts to combat the heroin, fentanyl, and opioid crisis, as well as the health and well-being of children, seniors who require home care or nursing home care, and Granite Staters who experience disabilities.
