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At NH Mental Health Counselors’ Association Conference, Senator Hassan Stresses How Trumpcare Would Hurt Access to Mental Health Care Services in New Hampshire

MANCHESTER – Today, Senator Maggie Hassan spoke at the New Hampshire Mental Health Counselors’ Association Conference, where she highlighted her efforts to strengthen the mental health care system in New Hampshire and spoke out against the dangerous Trumpcare proposal that would hurt access to mental health care services for thousands of people in the Granite State.

“We know that there is more work to do on the state and federal level to strengthen our mental health care system in New Hampshire, and Trumpcare is not the answer,” Senator Hassan remarked. “From ending Medicaid expansion to slashing funding for traditional Medicaid, and undermining the requirement that insurance companies must cover mental health and substance use disorder services, Trumpcare would greatly hinder our ability to provide treatment to those living with behavioral health issues and struggling with addiction. As we continue working together to strengthen our mental health system, I urge all Granite Staters to make their voices heard about the harmful impact Trumpcare would have on the health and well-being of our state.”
