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Following Push from Senator Hassan, Administration Announces New Initiative to Invest in Early College Access

WASHINGTON – The Department of Education announced an initiative to strengthen early college access so that students are prepared for today’s 21st century economy. Specifically, the Administration is investing in career pathways for students and opening up new options for states to use funding that they already have to expand these programs. Senator Hassan has led efforts in Congress to expand access to career pathway programs.

“To set up our students for success in today’s modern economy, we must expand access to early college education,” said Senator Hassan. “I am glad that the Administration is taking additional action to help train people for the jobs that our businesses need -- from dual enrollment opportunities to work-based learning -- so that students and workers can get good-paying jobs. I will continue to work on ways to strengthen our workforce.”

Senator Hassan is working to prepare students for the 21st century economy and has introduced the bipartisan Fast Track To and Through College Act, which would create a grant program aimed at helping more students earn college credits while still in high school. In May, Senator Hassan led a group of her colleagues in a push to invest in early college opportunities. Click here to read Senator Hassan’s letter.

Senator Hassan also previously joined in introducing the bipartisan Jumpstart Our Businesses By Supporting Students (JOBS) Act, which would expand the Pell Grant to cover workforce training programs. The Senator also led her colleagues in reintroducing the bipartisan Gateway to Careers Act, which would support career pathways strategies that combine work, education, and support services to help individuals earn recognized postsecondary credentials. Former President Trump also signed into law the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act, which included critical priorities for New Hampshire that Senator Hassan fought for, including authorizing additional funding for states to implement high-quality career and technical education programs.
