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Hassan-Backed Legislation Honoring Christa McAuliffe Signed into Law

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Mike Enzi (R-WY) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) issued the following statements after the Christa McAuliffe Commemorative Coin Act, bipartisan legislation that would create a commemorative coin to honor Christa McAuliffe, the Concord teacher who died aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger in 1986, was signed into law. The bill further reaffirms American commitment to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education and supports it with proceeds from the coin. The bill passed the Senate and the House of Representatives with strong bipartisan support. The Space Shuttle Challenger crew included Christa McAuliffe, Dick Scobee, Gregory Jarvis, Judith Resnik, Ronald McNair, Mike Smith and Ellison Onizuka.

“I’m heartened by the bipartisan support that ushered this bill through Congress, which will create a truly fitting tribute in Christa McAuliffe’s memory. Forging a coin in her likeness with proceeds bolstering STEM education not only ensures generations of Granite Staters and Americans know her story, but it continues her mission to get kids involved in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math,” said Shaheen.

“Christa McAuliffe was driven by a mission to inspire young minds and made great strides in the education community,” Enzi said. “The Christa McAuliffe Commemorative Coin Act will help honor her memory by advancing STEM opportunities for students. I hope people will get a coin of their own to support this cause.”

“I am thrilled that the Christa McAuliffe Commemorative Coin Act has been signed into law, helping ensure that her remarkable legacy – and that of the entire Challenger crew – lives on,” Senator Hassan said. “This coin will also continue Christa McAuliffe’s work of engaging more young people in the STEM fields by using the proceeds from the coins to support the FIRST Robotics program.”
