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In Honor of the Future Global War on Terrorism Memorial She Championed, Hassan Joins Inaugural “Ruck the Reserve”

WASHINGTON— This morning, U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan, a member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, joined veterans, leaders of Veterans Service Organizations, advocates, Gold Star families, and Members of Congress for a ruck march on the National Mall to mark the enactment of the bipartisan Global War on Terrorism Memorial Act being signed into law. The law, which Senator Hassan sponsored with Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA), clears the way for the upcoming construction of the memorial on the National Mall.


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“The Global War on Terrorism will forever shape the lives of service members, veterans, and their families – including many Granite Staters,” said Senator Hassan. “Through the leadership of the Global War on Terrorism Memorial Foundation, and advocacy of veterans and military families, I was honored to work with Senator Ernst, Congressman Gallagher, Congressman Crow, and our colleagues on this bipartisan effort to create a memorial on the National Mall for the Global War on Terrorism. This morning’s ruck march was a chance to come together and honor the service and sacrifice of those who served in the Global War on Terrorism in the shadow of our nation’s most historic, scared monuments.”


“Today, I was honored to take part in the inaugural Ruck the Reserve event, and to join alongside veterans, advocates, and Gold Star families in proudly saying that the Global War on Terrorism Memorial will soon become a reality on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.—where it belongs,” said Senator Ernst, a veteran of the Global War on Terrorism. “Last December, after a years-long, hard-fought effort, I was proud to get my bipartisan measure with Senator Maggie Hassan to build the Global War on Terrorism Memorial across the finish line to honor the heroes who served in our nation’s longest war for generations to come, and I cannot wait to see it come together.”


The Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) Memorial Foundation hosted the inaugural “Ruck the Reserve” event to mark the authorization of the memorial’s construction. Senator Hassan was joined by Senator Ernst, Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA), Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO), Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), and Alston Arrechaga, Gold Star Son of Army Sfc. Ofren Arrechaga, for this morning’s ruck march.


Senators Hassan and Ernst worked across the aisle to garner strong support for the Global War on Terrorism Memorial effort from more than 50 Democrats and Republicans in Congress, and the six surviving secretaries of Defense—spanning Democratic and Republican administrations.


Their bill, the Global War on Terrorism Memorial Location Act, which authorizes the location for the memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., was included as a part of the annual defense bill, the National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2022, and is now law.

