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In Nashua, Senator Hassan Highlights Her New Legislation to Bring Down Prescription Drug Prices

In Nashua, Senator HassanHighlights Her New Legislation to Bring Down Prescription Drug Prices

Legislation Improves Upon the Affordable Care Act by Addressing Skyrocketing Prescription Drug Prices

Senator Hassan at Nashua City Hall, joined by (from left to right) Dr. Stephanie Wolf-Rosenblum, Mayor Jim Donchess, Andy Weir, and State Representative Cindy Rosenwald.

NASHUA - Building on her efforts to ensure that all Granite Staters have quality, affordable health care, Senator Maggie Hassan today highlighted anew landmark proposal to bring down the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs.

The Improving Access to Affordable Prescription Drugs Act would help ensure that drug companies put patients before profits and bring much-needed relief to families and seniors, including many who have had to make the impossible choice between paying for a life-saving drug and putting food on the table. The bill seeks to tackle prescription drug costs bycracking down on bad actors in the industry,increasing transparency and accountability, boosting access and affordability of key drugs, spurring innovation, and increasing choice and competition.

"It is long past time for Congress tostand up to big pharmaceutical companies that are dramatically hiking prices of prescription drugs, which drives up the costs for our seniors and families," Senator Hassan said. "I'm proud to help introduce this comprehensive legislation thattakes on big pharmaceutical companiestoreinin the skyrocketing prices of prescription drugs so that no Granite Stater is forced to decide between putting food on the table and filling a life-savingprescription."

?SenatorHassan was joined by Andy Weir, a cancer survivor who has been impacted firsthand by the high cost of prescription drugs; Dr. Stephanie Rosenblum; Mayor Jim Donchess; State Representative Cindy Rosenwald; and other community members at Nashua City Hall.

"Rising drug prices are a serious problem, and I am thankful that Senator Hassan is taking on this issue," said Andy Weir, a senior and cancer survivor who has experiencedthe impact of rising prescription drugs costs. "The bill that Senator Hassan helped introduce works to address the issues that people like me are facing by closing the coverage gap that forces seniors to pay the full cost of prescription drugs, and allowing Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs. I am grateful to have Senator Hassan fighting for the priorities of Granite Staters like me."

"As a doctor, I've seen firsthand how the rising costs of prescription drugs affect patients and their families. Too often, the high costs of prescription drugs forces patients to make impossible decisions about the care they can receive. This should never be the case," Dr. Stephanie Wolf-Rosenblum said. "The bill introduced by Senator Hassan would help bring down costs, while improving access for patients and increasing innovation in our prescription drug market. I am thankful to Senator Hassan for focusing on this issue, and urge her colleagues in the Senate to take up this legislation without delay."

"As we work to move our economy forward, we must ensure that we are taking steps to bring down the cost of prescription drugs - which are largely responsible for rising health care costs," Mayor Jim Donchess remarked. "Hard-working Granite Staters deserve some relief, and that is exactly what this legislation from Senator Hassan would do. Bringing down the cost of prescription drugs should not be a partisan issue, and I hope that Congress will take action on this legislation soon."

"The rising costs of prescription drugs is an issue that deeply affects people across New Hampshire. At the state level, I am fighting to bring down these costs - but we need support at the federal level to help tackle this issue," State Representative Cindy Rosenwald said. "The bill Senator Hassan has introduced takes several common-sense steps to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, including allowing for the re-importation of safe and affordable prescription drugs from Canada and cracking down on pharmaceutical companies that hike the cost of prescription drugs that have been on the market for years to profit at the expense of patients. We need Congress to come together and address this issue head on, which is exactly what this legislation would do."
