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NH Congressional Delegation Vows to Fight Trump’s Proposal to Cut Funding for Northern Border Regional Commission in FY2020 Budget

**Shaheen & Kuster Successfully Included Provisions in Farm Bill that were Signed into Law that Reauthorizes the NBRC for 5 years and Expands its Reach to Additional New Hampshire Counties, including Cheshire and communities in Belknap**

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Representatives Annie Kuster (NH-02) and Chris Pappas (NH-01) issued the following statements in response to the President’s budget proposal to Congress that eliminates funding for the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) for fiscal year (FY) 2020. The NBRC provides critical support throughout New Hampshire and has funded grants that spur economic and community development in more rural parts of the state.

“The Northern Border Regional Commission empowers New Hampshire’s rural communities with the resources they need to invest in job creating opportunities and boost our regional economy. The President’s proposal to eliminate this program is misguided and would cut off assistance to economically distressed parts of the state,” said Senator Shaheen. “Thankfully, Congress maintains the power of the purse, and as the appropriations process begins, I’ll work across the aisle to ensure the NBRC has the funding it needs to serve Granite State communities.”

“Year after year, the Trump Administration proposes to slash funding from the Northern Border Regional Commission, which plays an essential role in boosting economic development and strengthening communities throughout New Hampshire,” said Senator Hassan. “From creating jobs to supporting efforts to combat the opioid crisis to bolstering our aging infrastructure, the Northern Border Regional Commission is an essential program that we cannot afford to lose in the Granite State. We’ve defeated these misguided efforts to eliminate the program in the past, and I will keep fighting to ensure that these latest proposed cuts do not become a reality.”

“The Northern Border Regional Commission has a proven track record of delivering for rural communities in New Hampshire and has helped spur economic activity in some of our most in-need regions,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “I’ve fought for this program because I’ve seen its success in the Granite State firsthand. From expanding substance misuse treatment to upgrading sewer systems and promoting workforce development, NBRC is making a real difference in the lives of people in our state. President Trump should visit one of these projects and see their benefits before proposing to cut this program. I will fight his misguided proposal and work to support rural communities throughout our state.”

“The Trump Administration’s latest attempt to strip funding from the Northern Border Regional Commission is a threat to the economic vitality and way of life in our state,” said Congressman Pappas. “I look forward to working with the rest of the New Hampshire Congressional delegation to ensure these funding cuts are stopped before they hurt our communities.”

Shaheen and Kuster successfully included provisions in the Farm Bill that was recently signed into law that reauthorizes the NBRC for five years and expands its reach to include Cheshire County and communities in Belknap County. Senator Shaheen, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committees, has consistently secured federal funding for the NBRC through the annual appropriations process.

As a member of the Farm Bill Conference Committee and Agriculture Committee, Kuster advocated for the inclusion of language to strengthen and expand the Northern Border Regional Commission in the Farm Bill. She has consistently fought for the NBRC, leading a bipartisan call to the governors of New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York urging support for the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) and introducing bipartisan legislation, the Northern Border Regional Commission Reauthorization Actto continue funding for the NBRC. This legislation was included in the 2018 Farm Bill Conference Report. She has highlighted the importance of the program to senior members of the Trump Administration.
