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NH Delegation Applauds SBA Administrator’s Approval of State Emergency Declaration Request Which will Release Support to Granite State Small Businesses

Earlier this week, the NH Delegation called on the SBA to approve the state’s emergency declaration to support small businesses.

(Washington, DC)— U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Representatives Annie Kuster (NH-02) and Chris Pappas (NH-01) issued the following statements after Small Business Administrator (SBA) Jovita Carranza signed New Hampshire’s emergency declaration to allow Granite State small businesses to be eligible for the full suite of emergency resources through the SBA, as firms mitigate financial hardships due to the spread of the coronavirus. The New Hampshire delegation called on the SBA earlier this week to approve the emergency declaration.


“I’m pleased that the SBA heeded our call and approved New Hampshire’s emergency declaration request,” said Senator Shaheen, a senior member of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. “This is an important first step to ensure our local businesses and workforce are supported as they endure this public health emergency. Small businesses are on the frontlines of the economic fallout from this crisis, and we need to make sure the families behind these businesses and employees are taken care of during this difficult time. This emergency declaration will help provide urgently needed resources so Granite State small businesses have the economic security they need to maintain operations. I’ll continue to work hand-in-hand with Democrats and Republicans at every level of government to respond to this crisis.”


“Small businesses are the engine of New Hampshire’s economy and I appreciate that the Small Business Administration heeded our calls to issue an emergency declaration to New Hampshire so that we can get these businesses the support that they need without delay,” said Senator Hassan. “As COVID-19 continues to impact the economy, it is critical that we take strong additional action to support small businesses and our economy as a whole.”


“The spread of the coronavirus in New Hampshire has not only created serious challenges for our health care system but also for our small businesses, entrepreneurs, and economy,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “I’ve heard from many small businesses and nonprofit organizations that are concerned about their ability to continue operating and care for their employees as measures to contain the virus expand. Small Business Administration loans are critical to helping small businesses in New Hampshire stay afloat during these difficult times and this emergency declaration is an important step toward getting resources out the door. I look forward to continuing to work with our delegation to bolster the response to the COVID-19 crisis and ensure that all Granite Staters have the resources they need.”  


“New Hampshire's small businesses are the backbone of our economy. But in recent days, business as usual has been obliterated on Main Street in the Granite State and across the country. That is why I urged the Small Business Administration to make this emergency declaration and applaud the announcement today which will help small businesses weather this unprecedented crisis,” said Congressman Pappas. “This declaration will give employers and workers the support they need to get businesses back up on their feet as quickly as possible. As a small business owner, I know that businesses face serious challenges under the best of circumstances. We are now experiencing a level of hardship that has never been seen in our history and we must meet this moment with swift action and every available resource to help New Hampshire’s small businesses keep their lights on, pay their workers, and recover and thrive in the weeks and months ahead.”


Earlier today, Shaheen introduced new legislation with Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) that would ensure every small business with a loan from the SBA would be relieved of their loan payments—including principal, interest, and fees—for the next six months. Shaheen and Hassan also joined a group of Senators today in a proposal to Senate Leadership that would provide direct cash assistance to help Americans weather the economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak.


The New Hampshire congressional delegation has been sounding the alarm on the need for additional federal funding to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. Following calls from the delegation and others in Congress, on Friday, President Trump declared a national emergency in response to the spread of coronavirus. Shaheen and Hassan voted in favor of bipartisan economic coronavirus response legislation today, which both Kuster and Pappas previously supported in the House. The delegation also supported bipartisan government funding legislation to help states’ response efforts, which was recently signed into law. The CDC disbursed $4.9 million in initial funds for New Hampshire, which was included in that funding package. Last night, Shaheen shared a video message with Granite Staters in response to the spread of the coronavirus, which can be viewed in full here

