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On Senate Floor, Senator Hassan Blasts Trump Administration’s Action to Undermine Women’s Access to Health Care at Providers Such As Planned Parenthood


Click here to watch Senator Hassan’s remarks.

WASHINGTON – Senator Maggie Hassan delivered a speech on the Senate floor blasting the Trump Administration’s Title X Gag Rule, which would undermine women’s access to critical health services at providers such as Planned Parenthood.

“Congress created Title X with a strong bipartisan vote – with members of both parties recognizing how vital the services it provides are,” Senator Hassan said. “Since then, for those in rural communities, for low-income women and men, and for members of the LGBTQ community – Title X supported health centers have been a major source of preventive care and reproductive health services, including cancer screenings, birth control, HIV and STI tests, and counseling services.”

Senator Hassan went on to point out the devastating impacts that placing a gag rule on Title X funded programs would have for the people of New Hampshire.

“Title X funded centers deliver care to nearly 18,000 Granite Staters annually, and Title X-supported Planned Parenthood centers serve 60 percent of those Granite Staters. In some parts of my state, there are no options other than a Title X center. And if other options exist, they don’t provide the same expertise and commitment to reproductive health care services that Title X centers offer. Community Health Centers around my state do important work – but they have told me that they would not be able to replace the services lost if the Administration is successful in its efforts to target Planned Parenthood.”  

Senator Hassan concluded, “This Title X gag rule undermines all of that. I am going to continue to stand up for a woman’s constitutionally protected rights. And I will do everything I can to fight back against these partisan attempts from the Trump Administration to undermine women’s reproductive health care.”

The Senator also spoke out on the Senate floor in opposition to the nomination of Neomi Rao for the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, citing the nominee’s controversial writings, her actions as a member of the Trump Administration, and her lack of experience.

See below for Senator Hassan’s remarks on Title X or click here to watch:

I rise in opposition to the Trump Administration’s domestic gag rule on the Title X program.

Mr. President, for more than 40 years, Title X has provided women and their families with comprehensive family planning and preventative health services.

Congress created Title X with a strong bipartisan vote – with members of both parties recognizing how vital the services it provides are.

Since then, for those in rural communities, for low-income women and men, and for members of the LGBTQ community – Title X supported health centers have been a major source of preventive care and reproductive health services, including cancer screenings, birth control, HIV and STI tests, and counseling services.

Mr. President, Title X helps communities and people throughout my home state of New Hampshire.

Title-X funded centers deliver care to nearly 18,000 Granite Staters annually. And Title-X supported Planned Parenthood centers serve 60 percent of those Granite Staters. 

In some parts of my state, there are no options other than a Title X center. And if other options exist, they don’t provide the same expertise and commitment to reproductive health care services that Title X centers offer.

Community Health Centers around my state do important work – but they have told me that they will not be able to replace the services lost if the Administration is successful in its efforts to target Planned Parenthood. 

Mr. President, the Trump Administration’s gag rule is simply dangerous.

It would force survivors to violate their professional and ethical standards regarding their obligation to give patients full and accurate information about their health care. And would  discriminate against providers who refuse to curtail truthful communication with their patients. And this rule would cut investments in family planning clinics taking away services that so many people depend on, with a disproportionate effect on low-income families and those who already struggle to access care. 

This effort is part of the shameless, blatantly political attempts from this Administration to restrict access to health care.

Mr. President, by attacking providers such as Planned Parenthood, the Trump Administration is once again threatening the health and economic well-being of millions.

Women in New Hampshire and across the country deserve better.

They should have the right to make their own choice about if or when to start a family. And they should be able to visit providers of their choice who understand their health care needs and will be truthful about their health care options and realities. 

This Title X gag rule undermines all of that.

I’m going to continue to stand up for a woman’s constitutionally protected rights. And I will do everything I can to fight back against these partisan attempts from the Trump Administration to undermine women’s reproductive health care.

Thank you. 
