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PSA: Beginning Today, More NH Veterans Are Eligible for VA Health Care Under PACT Act

Expansion Follows Implementation of the PACT Act, Which Senator Hassan Helped Negotiate and Pass into Law

WASHINGTON – Starting today, any veteran exposed to toxic substances during their service can enroll in VA health care, after a recent expansion of benefits by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) through the bipartisan PACT Act. VA is expanding health care eligibility to millions of veterans – including those who served in the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Global War on Terror, or any other combat zone after 9/11 and were exposed to toxic substances – as well as veterans who never deployed but were exposed to toxins or hazards while training or on active duty in the United States. Veterans eligible for VA health care under these authorities do not have to apply for VA benefits before enrolling.

“Veterans have kept our country safe, secure, and free, and it is important that they can access the benefits that they have earned. I encourage all veterans to contact the VA and check their eligibility for new health care benefits,” said U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan. “It is great to see that the VA is prioritizing implementation of the PACT Act to ensure that more veterans who have been exposed to toxic substances can now access crucial health care.”

The expanded health care eligibility is required by the bipartisan PACT ACT, which Senator Hassan helped develop and pass into law in 2022, but comes eight years earlier than required by the law, following quick implementation by the VA. The PACT Act fundamentally reforms and improves how veterans exposed to toxic substances receive health care and benefits from the VA. Since the passage of the law, more than 1,700 New Hampshire veterans have already enrolled in VA health care and more than 4,500 PACT Act-related disability claims have been filed in New Hampshire. Senator Hassan applauded the announcement from the VA last week.

Veterans exposed to toxic substances and their survivors can apply for health care and benefits at or by calling 1-800-MYVA411.
