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Senator Hassan Attends White House Event on Surprise Medical Bills


Senator Hassan attends White House event on surprise medical bills.

WASHINGTON – Senator Maggie Hassan, a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, today issued the following statement after attending a White House event with President Trump on the need to end the practice of surprise medical bills:

“It was very good to see bipartisan focus on this practice of surprise medical bills. There are people in New Hampshire and across the country who do everything they’re supposed to in order to ensure that their care is in their insurance network, and then they still end up with bills from an out-of-network provider. I am grateful for the attention that the President is paying to this issue and I look forward to continuing working with my colleagues from both parties to end this outrageous practice.”

Senator Hassan has been a leader on efforts in the Senate to help end surprise medical bills. She introduced a bill in October 2018 to address the issue and brought as her guest to the State of the Union a Granite Stater who got a surprise bill to help raise awareness for the issue.  

Now, Senator Hassan is working with a bipartisan group of Senators on new legislation to end surprise medical bills.
