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Senator Hassan, Colleagues Reintroduce Legislation to Crack Down on Illegal Robocalls

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan joined colleagues to reintroduce the Deter Obnoxious, Nefarious, and Outrageous Telephone (DO NOT) Call Act, which cracks down on illegal robocalls and robotexts. In 2022, Americans received 78 billion robocalls and 225 billion robotexts, and lost $65 billion to robocalls and $20 billion to robotexts.

“Granite Staters are tired of the manipulative and annoying robocalls and robotexts that they receive day and night,” said Senator Hassan. “In addition to being irritating and time consuming, these calls and texts are often aimed at scamming recipients out of their hard-earned money. I’ll continue to work with my colleagues to put an end to these illegal robocalls and robotexts.”

The DO NOT Call Act would improve enforcement and enhance penalties for robocallers who violate the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). The bill would create stiffer penalties for scammers who willfully and knowingly violate the TCPA, including steeper fines and a specific penalty for robocallers of a prison sentence of up to one year, with a three-year sentence penalty for scam robocallers. The bill also increases the maximum penalty for falsifying Caller ID and creates longer prison sentences for scammers involved in repeat offenses. 
