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Senator Hassan Joins Colleagues Highlighting How Trumpcare Undermines Efforts to Combat the Substance Misuse Crisis

Trumpcarte/Opioid Presser

Click here for video of Senator Hassan’s remarks.


WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Maggie Hassan joined colleagues and experts, including former Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy Michael Botticelli, to highlight how Trumpcare, which ends Medicaid expansion and includes massive cuts to Medicaid, would undermine efforts to combat the heroin, fentanyl, and opioid crisis that is devastating communities across New Hampshire and America.

Senator Hassan told the story of Ariel, from Rochester, New Hampshire, a mother of three who struggled with substance misuse, received treatment, and is in recovery because of services provided by Medicaid. Ariel attended the emergency field hearing Senator Hassan held with Senator Shaheen in Concord last Friday.

“Senate Republicans are attempting to push through a dangerous bill that would harm millions of Americans and hurt our efforts to combat the substance misuse crisis,” Senator Hassan said. “Services provided by Medicaid have been critical for many Granite Staters, including one mother of three who attended an emergency field hearing I held with Senator Shaheen in Concord last week. She told her story of her struggles with substance misuse, and she is now receiving treatment and is in recovery because of Medicaid.”

“Trumpcare ends Medicaid expansion, which experts have said is the number one tool we have to combat this crisis, and changes Medicaid into a per capita caps system – code for massive cuts that would force states to choose between slashing benefits, reducing the number of people who can get care, or both,” Senator Hassan added.
