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Senator Hassan Joins Union of Concerned Scientists to Announce Report Demonstrating Trump Administration’s Disregard for Science

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Maggie Hassan joined the Union of Concerned Scientists to outline a report that demonstrates the Trump Administration’s pattern of ignoring, undermining, and misusing science since President Trump was inaugurated in January.

Senator Hassan was joined on the call by Gretchen Goldman, the author of the report and UCS Center for Science and Democracy Research Director; Sara Wylie, assistant professor of sociology and health science at Northeastern University; and Andy Rosenberg, UCS Center for Science and Democracy Director and adjunct professor at the University of New Hampshire.

“This report makes clear that the Trump Administration is undermining science-based policies and disrespecting the role of science, which will have a harmful impact on the health of our people and the safety of our communities in New Hampshire and across the country, as well as on our efforts to combat the very real threat of climate change,” Senator Hassan said. “I am going to continue to push back against these efforts to undermine scientific integrity, and I encourage all Americans to continue standing up and fighting for progress as well.”

The report details how the Trump Administration is attempting to delegitimize science by giving industries more room to influence how and what science is used in policy making and fostering a hostile environment for scientists serving in federal agencies. See the full report here.

Senator Hassan was a vocal opponent of and voted against EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, who is a climate change skeptic. The Senator has spoken out against President Trump’s dangerous budget proposal, which includes slashing the EPA’s budget by 31 percent and would drastically roll back efforts to protect clean air and water and combat climate change. Additionally, Senator Hassan lead a group of Senators in urging President Trump to appoint well-qualified experts for critical sciences posts at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and throughout the federal government.
