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Senator Hassan Mourns 1,000 Granite State Lives Lost to COVID-19

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) issued the following statement on the more than 1,000 Granite State lives lost to COVID-19:


“I am heartbroken by the more than 1,000 COVID-19 deaths that we have seen in our state. The virus has taken too many too soon, and my prayers are with every Granite Stater who has lost a loved one. To all who are struggling right now, whether because you have lost a family member, are newly unemployed, or are facing mental health challenges brought on or exacerbated by the pandemic – please know that you are not alone. As we mourn together as a state, I urge all Granite Staters to continue to support one another, and, even as vaccines become more available, remember that it is still critical that we wear masks and practice social distances to prevent the spread of the virus and save lives.”

