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Senator Hassan Named a 2022 “Fiscal Hero” by Fix the Debt

One of Just 5 Senate Democrats to Earn the Award; Earlier this Year Senator Hassan was Named Most Bipartisan Senator by Nonpartisan Lugar Center

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) was today named a 2022 Fiscal Hero by Fix the Debt, a project of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a nonpartisan organization dedicated to finding comprehensive solutions to address the national debt.

 “I’m honored to be recognized as someone who is working across the aisle to eliminate wasteful spending, cut taxes, increase innovation and efficiency, and reduce the national debt,” said Senator Hassan. “Granite Staters rightfully expect that their hard-earned taxpayer dollars will be spent effectively, and I will continue working on a bipartisan basis to promote fiscal responsibility and move our economy forward.” 

“Senator Hassan has led bipartisan efforts to strengthen fiscal responsibility and improve the federal budget process. We are proud to name her a Fiscal Hero and applaud her for her commitment to getting our nation on a more sustainable fiscal path,” said Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and head of Fix the Debt.

Fix the Debt, a project of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, recognizes Fiscal Heroes each Congress, honoring policymakers working to improve the nation's fiscal situation and fix the budget process. Fiscal Heroes have distinguished themselves in ways such as leading bipartisan efforts to work through policy options to address the national debt and the federal budget process, including introducing legislation to improve the nation's fiscal position.

Senator Hassan has focused on fiscal responsibility and cutting waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer dollars in the federal government – working across the aisle to cut more than $200 billion in wasteful spending and reduce the debt. For instance, in 2019, President Trump signed into law bipartisan legislation introduced by Senators Hassan and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) to close a loophole in the Medicaid rebate program that results in big pharmaceutical companies overcharging taxpayers. The bipartisan legislation will save taxpayers approximately $3.1 billion over the next 10 years. 
