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Senator Hassan: “No Guarantee from Speaker Paul Ryan Can Protect the American People” if this Bill Passes the Senate

WASHINGTON – Senator Maggie Hassan released the following statement in response to the comments from Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), John McCain (R-AZ), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) that they will vote for a “skinny repeal” bill – that they admit would be a disaster - on the condition that Speaker Paul Ryan “assures” them it will never become law:

“No guarantee from Speaker Paul Ryan can protect the American people if this so-called ‘skinny repeal’ bill passes the Senate. This bill would raise premiums by roughly 20 percent per year, it would rip health insurance coverage away from 16 million Americans, and by my Republican colleagues’ own admission it would be a ‘disaster’ and a ‘fraud.’ If Senate Republicans pass this bill, the House can turn their back on any ‘assurances’ and send it to the President’s desk at any time. To all of my Republican colleagues who have now admitted that this bill would be devastating for the American people, there is only one way to assure that it never becomes law: vote it down.”
