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Senator Hassan Opposes Congressman Mick Mulvaney to Serve as Director of OMB

Senator Hassan Opposes Congressman Mick Mulvaney to Serve as Director of OMB

WASHINGTON - Today, Senator Maggie Hassan released the following statement after voting in the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee in opposition to the nomination of Congressman Mick Mulvaney to serve as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget:

"After participating in hearings on Congressman Mulvaney's nomination and meeting with him directly, I cannot support Rep. Mulvaney's nomination for Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Rep. Mulvaney's record of playing politics with our economy and supporting government shutdowns that negatively impact the lives of Granite Staters shows that he cannot be trusted to implement the federal budget. I was also troubled that a nominee who would be tasked with making data-driven decisions to deliver the best outcomes doubled down on his skepticism of climate science data and his preference for awarding funds based on a politicallymotivated agenda rather than the ability of providers - like Planned Parenthood - to serve patients. Additionally, his record of supporting efforts to repeal Medicaid expansion would harm New Hampshire's response to the heroin, opioid, and fentanyl crisis. It is critical that the Director of the Office of Management and Budget always put the well-being of our families and economy before partisan politics, and Rep. Mulvaney has failed to prove he is capable of doing so."

During Congressman Mulvaney's hearing before the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Senator Hassan pressed him on his support of governmental shutdowns, his skepticism on climate science, and his record of opposing federal funding for Planned Parenthood. The Senator also highlighted the importance of Medicaid expansion, which is a critical tool in efforts to combat the heroin, fentanyl, and opioid crisis in New Hampshire.
