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Senator Hassan Participates in Health Care Forum on the Future, Discusses Bipartisan Work on HELP Committee


Senator Hassan speaks at health care Forum on the Future. 

BEDFORD – Senator Maggie Hassan today called for the return to the bipartisan healthcare negotiations that were disrupted by the failed effort to pass the Graham-Cassidy Trumpcare bill during remarks this morning at a New Hampshire Forum on the Future Breakfast series focused on health care.  As a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, Senator Hassan participated this month in bipartisan health care hearings focused on stabilizing the individual health insurance market and lowering costs for hard-working Granite Staters.

“Here in New Hampshire – we have demonstrated that it is possible for Republicans and Democrats to come together to improve health care for our citizens, and we need Congress to follow that lead,” Senator Hassan said. “As a member of the Senate health committee, I am focused on bipartisan solutions to build on and improve the Affordable Care Act, while also standing firm against any partisan proposal like Graham-Cassidy that would raise costs and rip health insurance coverage from millions. Every Granite Stater and American deserves quality, affordable health care so that they can be healthy and contribute to our economy, and I am committed to working across party lines to improve our health care system for all Americans.”

As part of her efforts to stabilize the health care marketplace and lower health care costs for hard-working Granite Staters, Senator Hassan is an original cosponsor of the Individual Health Insurance Marketplace Improvement Act, which would provide certainty in the marketplace by creating a permanent reinsurance program for the individual health insurance market. Senator Hassan is also an original cosponsor of the Marketplace Certainty Act, which would help stabilize the individual market by providing certainty around cost-sharing reduction payments.
