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Senator Hassan Presses FDA Commissioner on Baby Formula Shortage

Following Senator Hassan’s Call, Administration Recently Invoked the Defense Production Act to Boost Baby Formula Supply

WASHINGTON – Today at a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee hearing, Senator Hassan pressed Federal Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Robert Califf on the current national baby formula shortage.

To watch Senator Hassan’s questioning, click here.

“Granite Staters have shared with me their struggles to obtain formula for their infants,” said Senator Hassan. “And as we all know, formula, for many if not most of these babies, is a matter of a life and death. Their parents are desperate and terrified. I’ve called on the administration to invoke the Defense Production Act and allow the importation of additional formulas. And I’m encouraged that the administration has taken these actions, but shortages continue and infants remain at risk.”

Senator Hassan then questioned FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf about when New Hampshire families should expect baby formula shortages to end.

Dr. Califf shared that his expectation is that within two months, the baby formula supply will be back to normal, and that Abbott is focused on production of specialty formula. Senator Hassan pressed for a specific plan.

Senator Hassan said, “I think it would be very helpful for us to get an actual plan because without a plan, without goals, it is hard to know that you’re actually going to meet them. It’s also really important for the public to be able to understand when they can expect to have a little more peace of mind as they search for formula.”

Senator Hassan then went on to press Dr. Califf on efforts to prioritize formula distribution to rural areas and other regions where families have few alternative purchasing options.
