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Senator Hassan Presses Secretary of Labor Nominee Alex Acosta on Workplace Safety and Protections for Workers who Experience Disabilities

Senator Hassan Presses Secretary of Labor Nominee Alex Acosta on Workplace Safety and Protections for Workers who Experience Disabilities

Senator Also Highlights Importance of Job Training and New Hampshire's Job Corps Center

Watch video of Senator Hassan's questioning here.

WASHINGTON - Today, Senator Maggie Hassan participated in the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee confirmation hearing for Alex Acosta, President Trump's nominee to lead the Department of Labor.

Senator Hassan highlighted the importance of the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and OSHA inspections, which reduce injury rates at inspected workplaces and lower worker compensation costs.

The Senator noted that there are only seven OSHA inspectors to oversee safety and health at 50,000 worksites throughout New Hampshire, and voiced concerns with President Trump's budget proposal to cut the Department of Labor's budget by 21 percent. Senator Hassan asked Mr. Acosta, "Can you commit that if confirmed as Secretary that you will advocate for and seek funding that will maintain OSHA's enforcement budget at no less than current levels?" Mr. Acosta responded, "I would be very concerned in a situation like you mentioned where there are only seven inspectors because going from seven to six has a substantial impact." However, despite acknowledging the negative impact of a shortage of OSHA inspectors, Mr. Acosta wouldn't commit to fighting to prevent harmful cuts that would exacerbate the situation.

Senator Hassan also pressed Mr. Acosta on his commitment to creating a more inclusive work environment for Granite Staters and Americans who experience disabilities. Citing that federal law allows employers to pay subminimum wages to workers who experience disabilities, Senator Hassan asked Mr. Acosta if he "supports individuals who experience disabilities being paid a subminimum wage." Mr. Acosta declined to directly answer the Senator's question or commit to supporting individuals who experience disabilities, saying, "I think this is a very difficult issue."

In her opening statement, Senator Hassan also expressed her concern with President Trump's proposed budget cuts that would decimate job training programs throughout the nation, and highlighted the importance of job training programs and the new Job Corps Center in New Hampshire that is helping build a stronger workforce that businesses throughout the state need to grow and compete. The Senator urged Mr. Acosta to do everything in his power should he be confirmed "to support both job training and our Job Corps Centers."
