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Senator Hassan Questions Nominee for Undersecretary for the DHS Office of Intelligence & Analysis on Intelligence Sharing and Preventing Homegrown Terrorism

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Click here for video of Senator Hassan’s questioning.


WASHINGTON – Today, during a Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Hearing, Senator Maggie Hassan continued her focus on addressing the threat of terrorism by questioning David Glawe, nominee for Undersecretary for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Intelligence & Analysis, on intelligence sharing within the DHS and the importance of preventing homegrown terrorism.

Senator Hassan asked Mr. Glawe what steps he would take if confirmed to ensure that DHS components are fully sharing intelligence with the DHS Office of Intelligence & Analysis. Mr. Glawe said he would build on an existing “integration approach – bringing in the operational components, the intelligence apparatus, under a collaboration type environment.”

Given Mr. Glawe’s experience as a local law enforcement officer, an FBI counter terrorism agent, and as an intelligence official, Senator Hassan also asked him how the US government should go about preventing the recruitment of our young people by groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Mr. Glawe said, “the answer would be an integrated approach with law enforcement, the private sector, the communities at the lowest common denominator,” adding that, “we have a challenge with the online caliphate, and that’s a whole different set of challenges as well […] but it’s a consolidated approach and the communities to me in partnership with local law enforcement and local leadership is the key point.”

Watch the video of Senator Hassan questioning Mr. Glawe here.
