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Senator Hassan Recognizes Carter Manson of Manchester as July’s Granite Stater of the Month

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan recognized Carter Manson of Manchester as July’s Granite Stater of the Month for encouraging Granite Staters and all Americans to get outside and help clean up their communities.


Carter, who is only five years old, has wanted to be a garbage collector since he was three. Now, due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic, Carter has taken his passion for garbage collection one step further. One day in April while stay-at-home orders were in place, Carter asked his mom, Kelly, if he could go outside and pick up some trash. Kelly obliged and took some photos of her young son cleaning up his neighborhood and posted them on her Facebook page.


Much to Kelly’s surprise, her photos received a lot of attention from her friends and family. She decided to build on the popularity of Carter’s first clean up by creating a group called Carter’s Clean Up Crew, which now has nearly 800 members from across the United States and Canada. Carters Clean Up Crew has so far received support from 22 businesses and raised $1,400 to help get members of the group the supplies that they need to clean up their communities, including trash grabbers and gloves. The group is planning their first big cleanup day at the end of August, and Carter and Kelly have been rallying members of their community to join them in Manchester for the big day.


To read the statement Senator Hassan submitted to the Congressional Record honoring Carter Manson as July’s Granite Stater of the Month, click here.


Senator Hassan launched the “Granite Stater of the Month” initiative in 2017 to recognize outstanding New Hampshire citizens who go above and beyond to help their neighbors and make their communities stronger. To nominate a New Hampshire citizen to be a “Granite Stater of the Month,” constituents can complete the nomination form here.

