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Senator Hassan Releases End of Year Round Up for 2021

WASHINGTON – As 2021 comes to a close, the office of Senator Maggie Hassan released key highlights from the first year of the 117th Congress. 


“2021 brought immense challenges for the Granite State and our country, but it is in these moments where we see the kindness, tenacity, and grit of Granite Staters on full display,” said Senator Hassan. “As we look ahead to 2022, I remain committed to finding bipartisan solutions for New Hampshire and our country, rebuilding our economy, and addressing the many challenges brought on by the pandemic. Much work continues and I wish everyone a safe and happy new year.”

By the Numbers

  • 115,000+ responses to constituent emails, letters, and calls
  • 100+ events, roundtables, and meetings held throughout the state and virtually 
  • Visits to all 10 counties 
  • 5th-most independent Senator according to the most recent CQ Roll Call report
  • 1 claim that New Hampshire has the best lobster, earning Maine’s wrath
  • 7th most bipartisan Senator according to the most recent Lugar Center-Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy
  • 100% of the 52 bills and resolutions Senator Hassan has introduced this year had a Republican co-sponsor
  • 350+ crosswords successfully completed by Senator Hassan

10 Key Accomplishments  

  1. Rebuilding our Nation’s Infrastructure: Senator Hassan was one of the 22 Senators who authored and negotiated the bipartisanship infrastructure package that is now law. 
  2. Passing COVID-19 Relief: Senator Hassan worked to pass into law the American Rescue Plan that is continuing to provide critical resources to New Hampshire to help address the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and support economic recovery. 
  3. Securing Key Priorities in National Defense Bill: Senator Hassan secured 5 key measures in the annual defense bill that was signed into law including strengthening cybersecurity, combating fentanyl trafficking from China, helping end the “pink tax” on women’s military uniforms, and much more. 
  4. Strengthening Cybersecurity: New Hampshire now has a State Cybersecurity Coordinator following the Senator’s effort to create a Cybersecurity Coordinator position in every state to strengthen state and local governments’ and the private sector's response to cyber threats. 
  5. Standing up for NH Fishermen: Following feedback from New Hampshire fishermen, Senator Hassan successfully pushed the Biden administration to remove the mask mandate for commercial fishermen at sea. 
  6. Lowering Drug Costs: Senator Hassan worked with Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) to help lower drug costs for Granite Staters by passing into law a bill to enhance education about biosimilar drug products in an effort to increase competition and lower the cost of biologic medicines.
  7. Improving Substance Misuse Treatment: Following Senator Hassan’s advocacy, the Biden administration removed some requirements that limited health care providers’ ability to prescribe buprenorphine, a critical medication-assisted treatment for substance use disorder.
  8. Improving American Competitiveness Against a Rising China: Senator Hassan secured important provisions to help the United States outcompete the Chinese government and strengthen national security in the bipartisan United States Innovation and Competition Act that passed the Senate, which included measures authored by Senator Hassan to strengthen American job training and manufacturing in New Hampshire and across the country. 
  9. Fighting for our Veterans: Senator Hassan introduced a bipartisan bill that is now law to expand health care employment opportunities to veterans. She also worked with Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) to successfully push the Biden administration to ensure that more service members can utilize the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.
  10.  Honoring our Veterans in the Nation’s Capital: Senator Hassan successfully restored the POW/MIA flag on top of the White House and secured the placement of the Global War on Terrorism Memorial on the National Mall.

