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Senator Hassan Statement After Senate Republicans Block Bipartisan Border Security Package

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan issued the following statement after Senate Republicans blocked a bipartisan border security package, which Senator Hassan voted to advance:

“Today, the Senate had the opportunity to pass strong bipartisan legislation to make major improvements to our security at the Southern border, legislation that drew wide support from, among others, the National Border Patrol Council and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — it is the strongest bipartisan border security legislation to be proposed in decades. The legislation was developed over the course of months, the result of negotiations involving Senators chosen by Republican and Democratic leadership to represent Senators from each party as well as independents.

“But, after Donald Trump realized that a real, constructive, and effective solution to our challenges at the Southern border had been reached, he ordered Senate Republicans to oppose the bill, instructing them that their electoral prospects would be better if there is chaos at the border. So, Senate Republicans, bowing again to the will of Donald Trump, have put politics before public safety and national security. They chose to stand in the way of a deal that they themselves negotiated, all in fear of Donald Trump.

“I have been pushing for years to strengthen border security based on the challenges that I have heard about directly from law enforcement at the border. Despite Senate Republicans’ votes today to block this bill, I will keep working to find ways to improve security at the border to keep Granite Staters safe.”

Senator Hassan has advocated strongly for this legislation, including writing an op-ed in Fox News making the case for it. Throughout her time in the Senate, she has led efforts to increase security at the Southern border. Earlier this year, Senator Hassan and colleagues’ bipartisan END FENTANYL Act, which will help Customs and Border Protection crack down on fentanyl trafficking at the border, was signed into law. Senator Hassan and colleagues’ FEND Off Fentanyl Act that targets the illicit fentanyl supply chain was also signed into law earlier this year. Senator Hassan also worked with her colleagues to pass into law the bipartisan INTERDICT Act, which has provided Customs and Border Protection with additional tools to help detect and intercept fentanyl and other illegal synthetic opioids.
