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Senator Hassan Statement Ahead of 30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

WASHINGTON – Senator Hassan released the following statement ahead of the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on Sunday, July 26:


“Thirty years ago, the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law, expanding opportunities for individuals who experience disabilities for generations to come. I am profoundly grateful for the advocates who fought to pass the ADA and those who continue to work to expand access for people with disabilities. As far as we’ve come, this anniversary should also serve as a reminder that our work is far from over. As the COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare, not everyone in our country has equal access to the opportunities or resources necessary for success. I will continue working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle so that Americans who experience disabilities are fully included in their communities and have the support that they need to thrive in all aspects of their lives.”


Senator Hassan is working to ensure that the needs of people who experience disabilities are met amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Last month, Senator Hassan and Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) introduced legislation that would increase funding for students with disabilities who are struggling to keep up with their studies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Senator also led a group of her colleagues in calling for greater funding for school districts to ensure that they can continue to provide students who experience disabilities with a free and appropriate public education as required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Earlier this year, the Senator led a group of her colleagues in urging the Department of Labor to better support workers who experience disabilities and who may be at particular risk as a result of COVID-19. Additionally, Senator Hassan joined in introducing a bill that would address critical health and financial needs of older adults, people with disabilities, home health workers, and family caregivers.

