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Senator Hassan Statement on EPA Administrator Pruitt Decision to Repeal Clean Water Rule

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Maggie Hassan issued the following statement after EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced the repeal of the Clean Water Rule:

“Ensuring that all Granite Staters and Americans have access to clean drinking water is essential to public health, to the safety of our communities, and to the overall well-being of our state,” said Senator Hassan. “The Clean Water Rule is integral to protecting our drinking water sources and our beautiful natural resources, which are critical to our economy and our way of life in New Hampshire.  I am extremely disappointed in EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s decision to repeal the Clean Water Rule and put corporate special interests before public health. I strongly urge EPA Administrator Pruitt to reverse this dangerous decision, and I will continue fighting against any effort to roll back important environmental protections.”

The EPA and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers adopted the Clean Water Rule in May 2015 to clarify which bodies of water across the country are protected under the 1972 Clean Water Act. Pollution prevention, control, and cleanup programs are applicable to water bodies that are protected under the Clean Water Rule.
