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Senator Hassan Statement on Federal Court Ruling to Temporarily Block Trump Administration’s Domestic Gag Rule

SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA – Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) today released the following statement after the Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Oregon said he would issue a preliminary injunction to block the Trump Administration’s domestic gag rule. If imposed, the domestic gag rule would undermine women’s access to critical health services at Title X family planning programs such as Planned Parenthood.


Senators Hassan and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) recently led a group of 40 of their colleagues in calling on the Senate Appropriations Committee to provide $400 million for the Title X family planning program in the fiscal year 2020 budget.


“More than 18,000 Granite Staters rely on Title X family planning programs to receive high-quality preventive care and reproductive health services, and this ruling underscores that the President’s domestic gag rule is a dangerous and blatantly political attempt to undermine women’s reproductive rights. Unfortunately, this fight is not over and I will continue working to safeguard a woman’s constitutionally-protected right to make her own choices about when and if to start a family."

