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Senator Hassan Statement on Her Opposition to CMS Administrator Nominee Seema Verma

Senator Hassan Statement on Her Opposition to CMS Administrator Nominee Seema Verma

WASHINGTON - Senator Maggie Hassan released the following statement on her opposition to the nomination of Seema Verma, President Trump's nominee to lead the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS):

"Granite Staters - and all Americans - need an Administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services who will stand up for seniors, children, women, people in recovery, and those with disabilities by strongly opposing any effort to end Medicaid expansion, slash the traditional Medicaid program or undermine Medicare. Unfortunately, Ms. Verma has not shown that she will stand up to President Trump or others seeking to repeal the Affordable Care Act and undermine these critical programs. I was particularly concerned that in her hearing Ms. Verma said that she believes providing maternity coverage should be optional for insurance companies, suggesting that she wouldn't defend the current requirement that insurers must cover essential health benefits including maternity care and substance use disorder treatment. As the Trump Administration continues to pursue a partisan agenda that would make Americans pay more for less health care, I simply cannot support Ms. Verma's nomination."
