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Senator Hassan Statement on Net Neutrality "Day Of Action"

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Maggie Hassan issued the following statement in support of “Day of Action” protests against the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) plan to revoke existing net neutrality protections:

“A free and open internet is essential to consumers, entrepreneurs, and innovative small businesses that are the foundation of New Hampshire’s and America’s economic success,” Senator Hassan said. “Today, people across the country are raising their voices in opposition to the Republican FCC’s efforts to take away critical consumer protections, which would give internet service providers the power to discriminate against innovative entrepreneurs and small businesses who rely on the Internet as a level playing field. I urge the FCC to listen to the public and maintain strong net neutrality rules for all Granite Staters and Americans.”

Net neutrality is the principle that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) should provide equal access to all applications, content, platforms, and websites, and cannot discriminate against content or content providers by making certain web pages, applications, or videos load faster or slower than others. The Obama FCC adopted rules to provide a level playing field and protect against content discrimination, and these rules went into effect in June of 2015. In May, Senator Hassan highlighted the importance of net neutrality to women and girls across America, and continues to fight to protect Internet freedom.
