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Senator Hassan Statement on Nominee for Director of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

WASHINGTON – Senator Maggie Hassan issued the following statement today after voting against President Trump’s nominee, Kathy Kraninger, to serve as the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB):

“We need a Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau who will advocate for hard-working Granite Staters and Americans and protect them from the predatory practices of corporate special interests, and it is clear that Kathy Kraninger is the wrong choice for the job. I have serious concerns that Ms. Kraninger does not have the experience needed to successfully serve in this role and that she will not stand up to political pressure from the White House. I will keep doing everything I can to protect students, seniors, and hard-working families from the corporate special interests who try to rip them off."

Last year, Senator Hassan joined Senator Shaheen and 42 other Senators in calling on the President to swiftly nominate a permanent Director at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau who will put working families ahead of corporate special interests.
