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Senator Hassan Statement on President Trump’s Nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court

WASHINGTON – Senator Maggie Hassan issued the following statement on President Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court:

“Any Supreme Court justice must be committed to a strong and independent judiciary and to protecting the rights of all Americans, not just serving corporate special interests and the powerful few. I am concerned about Judge Kavanaugh’s commitment to the rights of all Americans given President Trump’s assurance that Roe v. Wade will be overturned by his nominees to the Court, coupled with the fact that this nominee came from a list of candidates developed with groups funded by corporate special interests. In the coming days, Judge Kavanaugh must be clear about how he views the importance of legal precedent and straightforward in his answers about past cases involving women’s reproductive rights, health care, the environment, LGBTQ equality, and the civil rights of all Americans. Senator McConnell has made it clear that he will break his own precedent and bring the nominee to the floor for a vote before the election, and I will therefore thoroughly review Judge Kavanaugh’s record and responses throughout the nomination process.”
