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Senator Hassan Statement on President Trump’s Press Conference and Photo-Op Yesterday

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) released the following statement after President Trump’s press conference and photo op yesterday:


“I never thought I would see a President of the United States unleash tear gas and rubber bullets on peaceful protesters who were simply exercising their precious – and protected – First Amendment rights. And to realize that the President did so in order to stage a photo op, using a place of worship as a political prop after unleashing violence, makes his behavior even more disgusting and feeds despair all across the country.

“Peaceful protestors must be allowed to speak out against the killing of George Floyd and systemic racism in our society, and their voices should not be drowned out by outside agitators or by violence and looting, which must stop. We all need to come together – including leaders at all levels of government and the majority of law enforcement officers who do their jobs with professionalism – to listen, understand, and take long-overdue action to address systemic racism, especially in our criminal justice system.”

