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Senator Hassan Statement on President Trump’s Remarks on Iran

WASHINGTON – Senator Maggie Hassan statement on President Trump’s remarks on Iran:

“The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Defense have all said that Iran is complying with the nuclear deal. Pulling out of this deal would make us less safe, would almost guarantee that Iran gets a nuclear weapon, and would undermine America’s diplomatic standing, including efforts to stop the spread of nuclear weapons throughout the world."

“I have always said that the nuclear deal with Iran must be the first step among many to confront Iran’s destabilizing actions, and I recently voted to pass a bill to increase sanctions on Iran for its support for terrorism, for its development of a ballistic missile program, and its human rights abuses. I am also continuing to explore additional options to sanction Iran for its support for terror. However, as we continue to work to confront Iran’s aggression, I will not support any measure that would undermine the nuclear deal that President Trump’s own national security team supports.”
