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Senator Hassan Statement on Release of Special Counsel Mueller’s Report

WASHINGTON – Senator Maggie Hassan issued the following statement today following the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s redacted report:

“While I am continuing to review the redacted version of Special Counsel Mueller’s report, one thing could not be clearer: Vladimir Putin and the Russian government attacked the bedrock of our democracy when they interfered in the 2016 presidential election in a ‘sweeping and systematic fashion.’ The Special Counsel’s investigation – which led to indictments against 34 individuals and three companies, including six of the President’s former advisers – underscores the lengths that Russia went to influence our election, and we have yet to see an adequate response from the Trump Administration to hold Russia accountable. The Administration and Congress must take further action to protect our democracy going forward.

“Given the discrepancies between the Attorney General’s initial description and the Special Counsel’s actual report, it is right that the American people will have the opportunity to read the redacted report for themselves. The Attorney General also said that he has no objection to Special Counsel Mueller testifying before Congress, and that should happen without delay.”
