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Senator Hassan Statement on Secretary of Labor Nominee Andrew Puzder

Senator Hassan Statement on Secretary of Labor Nominee Andrew Puzder

WASHINGTON -- Today, Senator Maggie Hassan met with Andrew Puzder, President-elect Donald Trump's nominee to lead the Department of Labor. Later, she also attended a forum featuring workers with knowledge of Mr. Puzder's treatment of employees and Chris Owens, the Executive Director of the National Employment Law Project. As a member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, Senator Hassan will participate in hearings on Mr. Puzder's nomination.

"Following my conversation with Mr. Puzder and the testimony we heard in today's forum from those with first-hand knowledge of his company's labor violations, I continue to have concerns about Mr. Puzder's nomination to lead the Department of Labor. Mr. Puzder has opposed increases to the minimum wage and supports rolling back critical protections for workers, indicating that he would put corporate interests ahead of expanding opportunity for workers.

"Mr. Puzder also still needs to answer important questions about how he will resolve conflicts of interest stemming from his running the agency tasked with investigating his own restaurants and franchises."
