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Senator Hassan Statement on Senate Passage of Bipartisan Security Aid for Ukraine and Israel

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) joined her colleagues to pass, on a strong bipartisan basis, a security assistance package that includes vital aid for Ukraine and Israel, as well as funding for humanitarian aid. Among other measures, the legislation includes Senator Hassan and Senator Marco Rubio’s bipartisan Stop Harboring Iranian Petroleum (SHIP) Actwhich would take additional steps to impose sanctions on illicit purchases of Iranian oil and hold the regime’s enablers accountable. It also includes the FEND Off Fentanyl Act and the REPO for Ukrainians Act, bills that Senator Hassan cosponsored that would impose sanctions on fentanyl traffickers and would allow for assets confiscated from the Russian government to be used to support reconstruction efforts in Ukraine. The legislation is now headed to the President’s desk to become law.

Senator Hassan released the following statement on the vote:

“Today I joined my colleague in voting to pass legislation critical to our national security, to the delivery of humanitarian aid necessary to save lives around the globe, and to liberty loving people everywhere. This bipartisan security package provides desperately needed military assistance to Ukraine, continues to aid Israel as it faces existential threats, stands up to China by providing support to our partner Taiwan, and will help address the dire conditions faced by some of the world’s most vulnerable people through no fault of their own.”

“While this process should not have taken this long, I am glad that a majority from both parties are united in our commitment to keep America and our allies safe, secure, and free. The people of Ukraine are fighting for their freedom and survival against Vladamir Putin’s unprovoked, unjustified, and brutal invasion. And our ally Israel continues to face multiple threats from terrorist organizations and the Iranian regime, as both Hamas’s horrific attack on October 7 and Iran’s recent attack painfully demonstrate. By standing united as Americans and passing this bipartisan security package, we are sending a clear message to the authoritarians of the world – from the Kremlin to Tehran: America’s resolve to protect our interests and defend freedom will not be broken.”
