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Senator Hassan Statement on Senate Vote on Yemen

WASHINGTON – Senator Maggie Hassan released the following statement after voting for a measure that would prohibit the United States from supporting Saudi efforts in the Yemeni civil war and only allow U.S. forces to engage in anti-Al Qaeda operations. After the measure passed, the Senate also passed a resolution supporting a diplomatic solution in Yemen and condemning the murder of Jamal Khashoggi by voice vote. 

“American foreign policy should be dictated by our national security interests and our values, not by the interests of the Saudi royal family. This bipartisan measure, coupled with the resolution condemning the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, sends a clear message to Saudi Arabia that its behavior cannot continue. From the brutal murder of Khashoggi to its indiscriminate bombings in Yemen, the Saudi regime must be held accountable for its actions. I urge the Trump Administration to listen to the calls from members of both parties to increase pressure on Saudi Arabia and Iran to bring about a peaceful resolution to this crisis.”
