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Senator Hassan Statement on Senator Shaheen’s Decision to Not Seek Re-Election

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) released the following statement after Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s announcement that she will not be seeking re-election to the U.S. Senate in 2026:

“Jeanne Shaheen is a trailblazer who has defined and personified New Hampshire politics – and progress – for decades. She is an extraordinary public servant who built the New Hampshire Democratic Party into what it is today, served in the State Senate, three terms as governor, and now three terms as Senator – with outstanding accomplishments at every level of her work.

“I am grateful for her years of service, for the legacy that she leaves to the people of our state, and for her mentorship and friendship.

“Throughout her career, Jeanne Shaheen has been a staunch advocate for reproductive freedom; for women and democracy here and abroad; for fiscal responsibility; and for forging bipartisan, commonsense solutions to the challenges that face our state and our country.

“Her list of accomplishments and groundbreaking moments is too long for one statement. But every day, across New Hampshire, there are visible reminders of the difference that Jeanne Shaheen made – her legacy includes the children attending kindergarten across the state; the children getting health care because she created the Children’s Health Insurance Program; the natural spaces and historic places preserved by the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program that she helped launch; and in the annual celebrations of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

“It is an honor to work side by side with her in the Senate on behalf of the people of New Hampshire, and I look forward to continuing to work with her for the remainder of her term.”
