WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) released the following statement today to commemorate the 11th anniversary of New Hampshire adopting Medicaid Expansion, which she signed into law as part of a bipartisan effort she led as Governor:
“Eleven years ago today, as Governor, I signed Medicaid Expansion into law, a bipartisan effort that helped tens of thousands of Granite Staters get affordable health care. Medicaid Expansion made our economy and workforce stronger and made our people healthier and more free. But now, President Trump and Congressional Republicans are trying to undo this progress with their outrageous plan to kick millions of people off of Medicaid in order to pay for more tax giveaways for corporate special interests and billionaires. This anniversary is as good a time as any for this Administration to reverse course and follow the bipartisan example we set in New Hampshire and work with us to protect and strengthen Medicaid rather than take health care coverage away from people.”