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Senator Hassan Statement on Trump Administration Climate Change Report

WASHINGTON – Senator Maggie Hassan released the following statement today after the Trump Administration released the National Climate Assessment, a scientific report mandated by law that found “it is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause” of global warming and that  “there is no convincing alternative explanation”:

“How much more dire must reports get before this Administration comes to terms with the fact that global climate change caused by human activities is happening now and it poses a growing threat to our natural resources, our communities, and our economy in New Hampshire and across the globe?

“It is long past time for the Administration, including EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, to accept the long-settled science and reverse course on actions they have taken that hinder our efforts to combat climate change, including President Trump’s reckless decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement. The long-term economic growth, the health of our citizens, and the well-being of the planet that we will pass along to generations to come are all at stake, and we must act.”
