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Senator Hassan Statement on Trump Administration’s Latest Attempt to Sabotage Health Care for Hard-Working Granite Staters and Americans

WASHINGTON – Senator Maggie Hassan issued the following statement today on the Trump Administration’s latest attempt to sabotage health care for hard-working Granite Staters and Americans, including those with pre-existing conditions. The Department of Justice yesterday announced that it would refuse to defend a federal law and instead side with a number of Republican state Attorneys General in a partisan lawsuit attempting to undermine the Affordable Care Act.

“After repeated failed attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act in Congress, the Trump Administration is once again trying to allow insurance companies to discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions and older Americans,” Senator Hassan said. “It is outrageous that President Trump’s Justice Department is refusing to defend the law of the land and protect the health insurance coverage that millions of Americans, including those with substance use disorders, rely on. Stripping these protections from the law would be a massive gift to big insurance companies who would once again be able to charge older Americans excessive and unaffordable premiums and discriminate against those with pre-existing conditions including cancer, diabetes, or asthma.

“This partisan attack on our health care system will only create more uncertainty in the health insurance markets and lead to higher health care costs for our people. I urge all Granite Staters and Americans who have spoken out against previous attempts to strip away health care to continue sharing your stories, and I will keep standing with you as we fight to stop these reckless and harmful efforts.”  

