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Senator Hassan: “This Partisan Tax Bill Is A Giveaway to Corporate Special Interests”

WASHINGTON – Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) released the following statement after voting against the Senate Republican tax bill, which will hurt hard-working Granite Staters and small businesses just to benefit big corporations and the wealthiest few:

“This partisan tax bill is a giveaway to corporate special interests, not something that will help the middle class. I am extremely disappointed that my Republican colleagues passed a bill that non-partisan experts have shown will raise taxes on millions of hard-working families, increase health care premiums by 10 percent annually, and add $1.5 trillion to the national debt - all to give tax cuts to corporate special interests and the wealthiest few. There is strong bipartisan support for real tax reform that would benefit hard-working people and small businesses, but this is not that bill.”
