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Senator Hassan to Convene Field Hearing on Broadband Deployment in New Hampshire

KEENE – Senator Maggie Hassan will convene a Commerce Committee field hearing titled, “Expanding Broadband Infrastructure in the Granite State,” on Friday October 13, at 10:00 a.m. in Keene, where she will highlight the importance of expanding broadband infrastructure, especially in rural areas.

Senator Hassan is focused on working to expand broadband technologies and close the digital divide between urban and rural areas in New Hampshire and across America. Senator Hassan introduced bipartisan legislation with Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) to establish a spectrum pipeline that will provide more capacity for wireless providers while also providing additional funding to invest in rural broadband infrastructure in places like New Hampshire. Senator Hassan also joined Senators Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Brian Schatz (D-HI) in introducing a bipartisan resolution in support of deploying 5G mobile broadband technology across the country.

Senator Hassan also spoke on the Senate floor last week in opposition to the confirmation of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, specifically highlighting his actions that could put rural broadband advancements at risk.


  • The Honorable Jessica Rosenworcel, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
  • Mr. Joshua Cyr, Director, Education and Acceleration, Alpha Loft
  • Mr. Mike Reed, State President, Consolidated Communications
  • Mr. Brian Shepperd, Director Broadband Services, University of New Hampshire
  • Mr. Grant Spellmyer, Vice President – Federal Affairs & Public Policy, US Cellular
  • Mr. Tom Strickland, President & Co-Owner, Sequoya Technologies


* Witness list subject to change

Hearing Details:

Friday, October 13, 2017

10:00 a.m. EDT

Full committee

Keene State College

Centennial Hall Alumni Center

229 Main St.

Keene, N.H.

Witness testimony and opening statements will be available on Media interested in attending the event should contact Ricki Eshman at (202) 228-1041 or Ricki_Eshman@Hassan.Senate.Gov.
