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Senator Hassan Visits Goodwin Community Health, Highlights Harmful Impact Latest Version of Trumpcare Would Have on Granite Staters

Goodwin Health

Senator Hassan led a discussion at Goodwin Community Health.

SOMERSWORTH – Today, Senator Maggie Hassan visited Goodwin Community Health, a health center in Somersworth where she led a roundtable discussion and heard from doctors and patients about how the Republican health care legislation would undermine their health care coverage.

“Health centers like Goodwin Community Health provide critical services to help Granite Staters get the health care that they need to live full, productive lives,” Senator Hassan said. “The latest version of the Senate health care bill would undermine health centers like Goodwin Community Health and the patients they serve, ending Medicaid expansion, making devastating cuts to traditional Medicaid, and pulling us backward in the fight against the heroin, fentanyl, and opioid crisis. I will continue to bring the powerful stories I hear from Granite Staters at places like Goodwin Community Health back to the Senate as we work to defeat Trumpcare and instead work to lower costs and improve our health care system for patients across New Hampshire and America.”

“It was an honor to have Senator Hassan visit Goodwin Community Health and discuss how important it is to support health centers and medical professionals who provide essential services to Granite Staters,” Goodwin Community Health CEO Janet Laatsch said. “The vast majority of our patients who are receiving substance misuse treatment are covered by Medicaid expansion, and their ability to progress through their recovery is dependent on maintaining steady and reliable health coverage. As the people who work on the frontlines of America’s healthcare system, it’s our hope that all of our elected officials will show an unwavering focus on the wellbeing of the patient.”
